2023 - The Year Of New Google Play APP, Web Design, Server Upgrade, and More New Features
KinerkTube had a great 2022 and now with 2023, we are on a mission to bring better design to the platform as well as optimization and a whole new server environment with AWS. We will have an even faster website to provide our user experience in January 2023 plus the KinerkTube platform and UI will work and look much better soon in 2023 and each month we will implement more design updates (starting with Artist and Business pages as well as our homepage and header and other pages like events etc.) for an awesome new fresh and faster user interface. In 2022 we added new features such as Skills -for Artist pages to be discovered and filters on the map - plus we added new music compatibility with Africa's top streaming platform called Boomplay - DSP and the middle east's biggest streaming platform called Anghami - DSP.
KinerkTubeis slowly but surely growing with quality active music people from the ones in the business to the fans who support and consume. We are proud to have organically grown our member base just over a few hundred and we have added more amazing features including even more 3rd party integrations this year such as more smart campaign sites, more podcast-compatible sites, merch, and more. See our roadmap and stay up to date with us or request a feature or idea. . As we continue to develop and adapt to the music industry's needs, we are forcing a lot on the design efforts and optimization efforts to make our user's experience smoother and more efficient. Some of our biggest accomplishments so far have been our app launch on Google Play.
Some of our other major accomplishments in 2022 and 2023 have been our growth with embedded compatibility as well as new design work coming soon this year. We must say, this month will also be the biggest transformation for us because of our move from our previous dedicated server to the cloud with AWS. We are also proud of the advanced analytics & insights we are always updating. These analytical features are perfect for promoters, managers, labels, independent artists, or anyone who wants to get more insights into the music market, distributed content, and the entire community on KinerkTube from all around the world. Wish us luck as we seek investors and new partnerships in 2023-2024+
KinerkTube has made it through Beta as of the first quarter in 2021 and now we are off to a fresh year and official Public Launch including the beginning of our Trademark. We are proud to have organically grown our member base just over a couple hundred and we have added more amazing features including even more 3rd party integrations this year. Some of our biggest accomplishments have been our merch compatibility with Shopify, Spott, & Stripe (API, Embed, or link). We are also proud of the advanced analytics & insights we are always working on to provide our upgraded members; they'll have the ability to peak on any and all other members' analytics on KinerkTube including other profiles, events, pages, and content on pages (music, videos, podcasts, beats, campaigns, merch, opportunities, etc.) that they discover or want to simply keep an eye on. These analytical features are perfect for promoters, managers, labels, independent artists, or anyone who wants to get more insights into the music market, distributed content, and the entire community on KinerkTube from all around the world.
We also partnered with tawk this year to bring a free chat tool to pages and these chats can do a ton including but not limited to automation support, real human virtual assistance, Eccomerce assistance, etc.
Amongst the 3rd party platforms, we added integration and/or compatibility with, we are also proud to announce the all-new Audius which is the popular new blockchain streaming platform and NFT supporter. Speaking of NFT's... the 3rd party compatibility is on its way to KinerkTube so you can showcase digital assets from top NFT marketplaces. Fans will love your KinerkTube page(s) and event(s) because it has all an artist's or business's streaming, social, and commerce content in one spot to help consumers streamline their discovery and preferred choice of engagement. KinerkTube is your music platform niche and in 2022 we have a mission to keep growing... It really has only just begun. Great things take time and we are always adapting to the innovative tech world for the best interest of our music community.
To provide us feedback and see what we are working on, visit our roadmap.
We are currently looking for investors, partners, volunteers, interns, and new members! Also, we're planning to develop our app soon. Let's Work! hello@kinerktube.com
We put the music world in your palm with KinerkTube.com
Update: We actually launched our blog on Google Play for Android here in 2022!
Today, Saturday, July 9th, 20:20:22, the first-ever KinerkTube app version 1.0 is now on the Google Play Store for Android users and it’s free to download and use. Of course, there are upgraded plans you can choose to grab at any time and there’s also a limited lifetime deal for a one-time fee to get these upgrades for life, and never have to pay again.
KinerkTube: ??????
KinerkTube Android App 1.0
July 9th 2022: Launched LIVE on Google Play for Android Users! ???????
Download Now and please rate us 5 stars. Feedback is also highly appreciated.
The Underground Music community is very alive and we want to welcome all Artists, Businesses, Fans, and visitors to experience your brand new online directory and social network platform. Your one-stop spot for underground music and business.
The future is happening now...
The new niche way to streamline ALL your online music content, connect & collab with members, book shows & events, book artists, socialize, search, locate, and find almost anything music-related is here. If it's industry-relevant or related then it's on the map and/or in the directory for you to locate and find. The problem of one not being able to find their specific music needs is now solved with this niche directory and social network, fulfilling the demand by supplying the tools and maps to connect people and promote business... AND the best part is it's FREE to the international world. Whether you're jammin' locally or traveling on the go, KinerkTube.com has more than you can imagine to explore and discover in your music life because the new re-launch all-in-one music platform is finally here in full force for the masses.
"Our platform is here so you can expand your music, your business, your project goals and your lifestyle in the right demographic direction."
-KinerkTube Founder
© 2021 KinerkTube | All rights reserved | Terms | Privacy | Cookies | Webmaster
#KinerkTube #UndergroundMusicMaps #MusicMapsDirectory
#SocialMusicPlatform #TheSocialMusicNetwork #TheMusicPlatform
Register to create a profile and build a page to get your music or business on the map today...Artist / Business Plans click here | Fan Registry click here
What a year 2020 has been! With the Covid-19 global pandemic, it has been a tragedy for many and our hearts go out to all the victims. We have had many challenges unexpectedly ourselves including team separation and lockdowns for isolation. Lucky no one on the KinerkTube team got Covid 19 so we continued to stay safe and decided to work remotely. We were unable to launch in 2020 due to serious complications with Pay Pal so we decided to fully integrate with Stripe including the new prorate feature. Our goals of launching have been set off now for January 2021, our year to show the world a new directory maps niche marketing and social network platform for the music industry. We couldn't be more excited and optimistic as we lift off! We are going to make a difference in so many people's music careers. We work day and night to make a wonderful platform come to life for the masses. We will continue to develop and innovate. Join our platform today if you haven't already! Lots of major surprises in the works.
This year we did a lot considering our setbacks. We integrated Stripe, Added our Booking system, Improved our event types (single event, multiple schedule event, or tour type event), more responsive design on pages, etc., added more 3rd part music embeds and podcasts, sharing to chat, added a very large notification system (email, in-site, push) for activity, social and friend requests, as well as chat, Improved our directory search engine and algorithm (always working on it), added online events (Premier, LIVE, On-Demand), gained more industry partners and affiliates, updated our entire blog site (is very cool now), build more advanced analytics, more privacy, and control settings, added more compliance, created ad page for amazing ad offers, created more videos, created our special limited deals and planned for long term future, and more.
The future is in front of us...
#KinerkTube #UndergroundMusicMaps #MusicMapsDirectory
#SocialMusicPlatform #TheSocialMusicNetwork #TheMusicPlatform
© 2019 KinerkTube | All rights reserved | Terms | Privacy | Cookies | Webmaster
Verified Beta testers are helping make sure we are ready for launch. 2020 is our official BETA launch goal.
The future is on it's way...
© 2018 KinerkTube | All rights reserved | Terms | Privacy | Cookies | Webmaster
#KinerkTube #UndergroundMusicMaps
YAH for 2017! KinerkTube grew in power this year with sucessfully adding new strategic programmers to the KinerkTube family. 2017 was also the official year KienrkTube.com completed the backbone and body of the new directory and social network platform for the purpose of a user friendly experience to music artists and business all around the world. KinerkTube still had lots to do and focused hard on their goals to make their new niche music platform become the best directory and social network for artists, business and fans around the world. Soon KinerkTube will be introduced to the masses, The Kinerk Team has decided to innovate more direction and fine details of things like security and member control before they go public and open up member registration. Our goal is to officially launch in 2018, but this may get pushed to 2020 due to the founder and team choosing to add more security to the platform for members, enhanced features and functions, power of larger dedicated server, as well as strategic partnership goals with Google Maps API. This will allow us use of new Google updated technology incorporated into the maps, account security notifications, added member securities, secure payment processors, and much more.
Words from KinerkTube Founder
"Our team is built of dedicated supporters who practice the art in mastering their skillful craft. They each use their specific talents to bring life into the platform. We stay active online as well as on the streets with our Kinerk Team fam. We suport and sponsor live events as well as seek out talent and business to help promote through our networks. During this year of innovtion in our platforms development, our major priority goals are set to finish creating this all new one-stop-music-spot directory, review site, and social network platform. Our team has pushed hard working through blood sweat and tears to get at a point of functional standards that are ultimately going to help streamline today's music world and people in it. Our team will continue to help the music artists, businesses, and fans with their golas and needs as well as adapt to the industry changes. We are putting the member's needs first with every step of the creation process. We hope to one day be a household name here at KinerkTube.com Undergound Music Maps. Our plans after launch will be to continue working smart on this niche platform and stay ahead of the curve on all those following our lead.
We strive to make it the WORLD'S most used and respected underground music directory, review site, & social network ever made."
Robbie K. Everydayallday
KinerkTube.com CEO & Founder
Wish us luck!! :)
KinerkTube.com #UndergroundMusicMaps
KinerkTube was a niche, yes, but still needed a serious update or revamp. The founder managed to stay fresh with gear, opportunity, and ideas. This is when a bunch of research and development on the idea of a whole new site was in the making. Much detailed information of the official business plan and direction KinerkTube was going started happening this year of 2016. The founder stayed optimistic. There was another attempt to get more web help which proved to be not so helpful for the complexity of Robbie K's idea for an improved directory and new social site. There were some interested investors in KinerkTube but the site needed more to show for anyone to go all in. This ended up being a blessing for the KinerkTube founder and team as they unearthed the opportunity at the end of the year with new beginnings for 2017.
2015 was a great year of even more promotion on the streets. KinerkTube did some local radio promotion about the "Underground Music Maps" directory as well as maintained a popular "Featured Artists of the Month" promotion.
The KinerkTube team aka "KinerkTeam" consisting of Robbie K and some of his close talented music friends, brought in artists from across the map to be interviewed and promoted for local awareness. Offering everything from studio recording time, video production, and connections with business on the map to jump-start their music projects.
This was also a year we met some more huge music legends like Del The Funky Homosapien, Too Short, Mac Mall, Ray Luv, and many more top names that started from the bottom and made it to the top. They attended many events like Heiro Day, Emerald Cup, Music Fest, Chalice, and more. KinerkTube was doing really well on the streets but it was time to focus back to their online vision and mission for KinerkTube.com "Underground Music Maps" and the purpose of the directory to help the people of the industry.
In 2014 KinerkTube stayed active putting new Artists and music Business on the map and the directory site was getting some boom in the underground music scene. Robbie K the founder was not only doing hip hop shows but he was sponsoring shows with KinerkTube.com by producing featured flyers, awesome calendar events and more. KienrkTube.com linked up with legends of the rap industry like Rappin 4 Tay as well as Matt Blaque, Celly Cel, Equipto, RBL's Black C, and many many more. This opened doors and conversation about KinerkTube.com "Underground Music Maps" and the idea behind it. It seemed as if everyone was loving the KinerkTube promotion and support as they were seeing it everywhere online. Robbie K knew this would be a viable business however he was far from where he wanted the site to be. His visions were being worked on but not complete to his goals for the directory. He wanted a social network platform and user-friendly directory that really works. KinerkTube reached out for help from web developer friends at this time. This ended up being a time of investing on more patience and risk. Could his web developers help him with his BIG idea? Unfortunately the answer was "NO" but the site remained a niche and a source, as it did have a lot of video visuals, contacts, and music to play which Robbie K worked hard to put up.
2014 was also the year and birth of KinerkTube Presents "The West Kept Secret" cyphers. The videos are found on KinerkTube's YouTube channel as well as the West Kept secret page on the map. This was an awesome time of showcasing the local talent. With 2 cyphers complete there was a temporary leave from one of the co-founders. The business was created by Reginald Miles Jr. aka F.A.C.T.S from Vallejo California, and our good friend Jessie J from Windsor California as well as the KinerkTube founder Robbie K, and videographer /editor J-Visions. 2017 is the anticipated year for The West Kept Secret Cypher III to come out. Reginald Miles Jr. and KinerkTube founder Robbie K have plans to keep the cyphers going.
2013 was a great year, as it was the first birth of the KinerkTube.com "Underground Music Maps" directory and review site idea coming to the internet with a live visual concept that was useful, and cool looking. Now even though the site didn't register user-friendly enough for anyone to create an account and get on, KinerkTube still sought out new artists and music businesses to add manually. As the site gained some popularity, music people contacted KinerkTube with their own high interests in getting involved with the directory and have their pages made for the map. A great deal of work was put into all the contacts on the map including the coding of their content such as their pictures, music playlists, videos, websites, and more. The founder Robbie K put sweat and tears into making the map fill up with relevant underground music content. This was a time of hard work and continued event sponsoring which ultimately helped them gain quality friendships and business connections with famous underground music legends. The best part about it was that they offered their free service and time, to help active artists get a good EPK (Electronic Press Kit) for their music. This was a time when being featured was as easy as just simply contacting the KinerkTeam for their personal assistance and not having to pay them a dime for their work or extra exposure they provided. The team was Robbie K the founder and close friends who are underground music artists themself that also share a passion to keep the dreams of the underground music industry alive.
From the end of 2011-and through 2012 KinerkTube.com was in the making. Its purpose was to be a main golden source of "view it yourself" high demanded underground music and entertainment. They were set out to be big supporters of the underground music industry. They did this by providing a place to see artists' music online in one spot with their names, links, locations, pics, videos, and more. The founder Robbie K was set to do everything else possible to help an Artist or music-related Business get organic internet exposure with an awesome visual and EPK (Electronic Press Kit) to show off. The artists and businesses that believed in the promotion and the ideas of the founder, ended up with not only great looking promotion but organic Google presence and more volume of stats to their music content, popularity, and connections. They also got connected with Artists in the industry that promoted music through KinerkTube for the same promotional reasons... not to mention the help was free promotional service from the founder himself. You can say that Robbie K can be a bit of an SNL (Social Network Junkie) when it comes to marketing the music and details behind the art. This gained Robbie K new relations with music people all over the maps of the United States, and some internationally. This was a time when KinerkTube utilized YouTube and other relevant music platforms while building the idea into a feasible website. Another awesome thing KinerkTube did was offer free music production and lab recording for local artists of their community.