People use KinerkTube to build relationships within the music industry, to experience what's geographically around them, and to utilize, share and promote music; including music business opportunities, events, campaigns, merch, and more.
With Underground Music Maps you can...
Embed, Manage, Optimize, Connect, Share, Socialize, Review, Instant Chat, Discover, Publish, Find Opportunities, Track, Target, and Analyze ALL your Music Media Content AND Music Relevant Events in One Account. Simply put... Organically Market, and Advertise Your Entire Music Career and Get Discovered On The Maps.
1. Register with a KinerkTube plan that is best for you and your needs.
2. Verify your email.
3. Log in to your new account using the credentials you created.
4. Follow the Profile and Registration setup steps (You build your pages for the map after your profile because your profile controls your account and social network while your pages showcase all your music and business content for discovery on the map. Events also showcase content and are placed on KinerkTube's dedicated events map).
5. Create your page. Get started by clicking the (+) sign once logged in to your new KinerkTube account. Select Page or Event and fill out all the mandatory fields before publishing or choosing to draft. At this point, you will be redirected to the final editing where you can add in all the content to make the best One-Stop-Shop page or event. If you want you can add a page manager to handle the content part after you publish or draft the basic mandatory details of your page).
6. Share, Share, Share and Share more (Your pages and all embedded content on your page can be shared).
7. Check your analytics for more insight on your audience and engagement so you can better plan your marketing and networking on KinerkTube or other social and media platforms. Now you can social network and have fun utilizing all the other tools and features in your KinerkTube account plus leverage your content discovery while gaining more stream plays, campaign hits, conversions of leads & sales (smart link campaign, merch integration, etc.), and run your events in a place that can be easily tracked and followed by attendees and event-goers.
If you take your music business, service, brand, or role serious and already invest in your music as a business and career; invest some time in promoting your music, business, brand, and/or services by setting up your listing page(s) on
Give justice to your hard work and provide your fans and customers a streamlining experience to consume your content on the platforms they prefer and in one awesome discoverable place. Showcase players, widget embeds, custom merch buttons, shopping integrations, etc.
The more content you embed and link to your pages and events, the more Google and other search engines will strengthen your pages and SEO on the web. This brings value to your own website, social networks, and even your GMB ranking, according to the algorithm around citation listings in global localized focused directories. Here at KinerkTube, we take a similar approach with our algorithm so together and all around KinerkTube helps in various ways of SEO for your online presence. What you can do on your end to optimize even further is add your KinerkTube main page URL as your bio link on all your socials and backlink it from your own website or blogs. Plus this gives your fans the gateway to your one-stop-shop music page(s) for discovery and consumption all while you track analytics for retargeting goals. The sky's the limit 🚀
Feel free to reach out to us with any questions! You can send an email to anytime. Access support chat right here on the homepage as well as the plans page, FAQ page, and our contacts page. 🗨️
Learn how to GET STARTED