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Business: Production Company
Specifics: Film | Music
Services: Audio Mastering | Audio Post Editing | Audio Restoration | Beat Production ...
Location: Oakland, California, United States
Synopsis: O n eo fD JWe s tCoast'sm o s timpactfulcollabora- tionshasbeenwithJ o eMoses.Theirrecordn o tonly wentnationalb u talsobecameparto ft h erecent Kendrick Lamar movement, gaining significant in- dustryattention.ThetrackwasfeaturedduringKen- drick'sconcert,solidifyingitsstatusa n dexpanding DJWestCoast'sinfluence.InadditiontoJo e Moses, D JWe s tCoasth a scollaboratedwithStunnaman andworkedwithindustryiconslikeNefthePharaoh, DJDrama,D JPhonics,a n dLarryJune.Hisconnec- tionsalsoextendt oWizKhalifaa n dbroadeninghis reacha n dintroducinghisstylet on e waudiences.
Jack Sanders, professionally known as DJ West Coast, is a talented DJ and producer from North Oakland. At just 23 years old, he has built an impressive resume, including a notable speaking engagement at San Francisco City Hall for Black History Month, where he delivered a 20-minute speech on the role of music in cultural identity. As an ordained minister of music and a former church musician, Jack’s foundation is rooted in discipline, adaptability, and a deep passion for West Coast hip-hop, which he seamlessly infuses into his distinctive sound.
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